Leader as a coach

On saturday attending ICFMy symposium on Leader as a coach. Some lesson learn from the symposium are,  as a  learder you need to be an active listener in order to empower coachee, in this  your subordinate in achieving goals. Togather you can deduce sounds solution. Whats active listening all about? Observe how the leaders bahave especially in respect of…

1. Paying attention

2. Showing that he/she is listening

3. Provaiding feedback

4. Defer judgement

5. Respond appropriately

You may find the answer. Of course coaching in a way inspiring people to transform

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3 Responses to Leader as a coach

  1. Shan says:

    Yes,I find this is a challenge or willbe a challenge for leaders who are so used to telling or guiding their followers all the time.
    In some organisations where more authocratic style of leadership is practice, listening is a challenge. This is where the ‘leaders’ miss the rich feedback from their followers.
    This also prevents the followers (especially gen Y)from contributing creative and innovative ideas. That’s why coaching skills is an imposrtant tool for leadingthe future generation.

    Just sharing to learn….

    • dmy56 says:

      yes Shan listening is always difficult thing to practice. People used to impose their own thinking . Not many people willing to spend time listen and carefully understand whats people problem. Sometimes people more interest in sharing whats their have.Most of the time listening can heal many things

  2. shahrazi says:

    i agree with that simple statement “Leader as a coach” Actually its bring a lot of discussion and elaboration. A thousand word also would not be enough to describe the word of “Leadership”. Listening, empowering, training and etc just a few elements and components need to be mastered in order to be good leader. People always says “Lead by leader and Natural Born Leader. A quite long discussion also to differentiate between manager and leader. As a manager for sure you have to stick with the management aspects without failed, you have to plan, organize, direct and control all the relevant resources in order to achive the targeted objectives.

    Somehow leaders need to be more human instead and nhave the ability of influencing people around them. The basic skill of listening what have been mention by Mr. Shan is absolutely right. In many occation listening usually not been considered as a tool of gaining more information. But we also have to remember during the listening session we might tolarate a lot of thing even we are not satisfy with any statement being voicing out to us during the communication. so the issue is how much and until what stage we need to listen. We have to set the perimeter actually. Because if we never stop him or her to speak then he/she will never stop either to share whats he/she have (just like Mr. shan said)then the communication will somehow become…Parental Ego Vs Child Ego. Then its too boring sonner or later.

    So the solution is….the leader have to…master another vital skill which is ” Asking Questions”. So as for me despite from listening to be a good leader you have to ask the right question in between so that the right informatin will be collected wisely and it can be used as and input to make a decision. That the way its should be…Like Mr Dag said…provide a feedback then the question should take place.

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